Legal Disclosure


Data protection is a matter of trust and we greatly value your trust. We respect your private and personal sphere. We attach great importance to protecting as well as collecting, processing and using your personal data in compliance with legal regulations. To ensure that you feel safe when you visit our website, we strictly comply with statutory provisions when processing your personal data and would like to inform you here about how we collect and use data.

You may print this document or save it by using the standard functions in your Internet browser (usually "File" -> "Save under").

By accepting the following privacy policy, you give PABEX ǀ Die Papierbörse & Consulting, Owner Daniel Jelić, Hünerbergstr. 9, 61476 Kronberg (below called: PABEX) permission to collect, process and use your personal data in compliance with the data protection laws and the following provisions.


The office responsible for collecting, processing and using your personal data as defined in the Federal Data Protection Act is PABEX ǀ Die Papierbörse & Consulting, Owner Daniel Jelić, Hünerbergstr. 9, 61476 Kronberg.

If you want to object to the collection, processing and use of your data by PABEX in accordance with these data protection regulations, either as a whole or in individual cases, you may send your objection by e-mail or letter to the following address:

PABEX ǀ Die Papierbörse & Consulting
Daniel Jelić
Hünerbergstr. 9
61476 Kronberg/GERMANY

Phone: +49 (0) 6173 - 96 99 08 0
E-Mail: datenschutz[at]


If you merely wish to visit the PABEX site, PABEX does not collect any personal data.

PABEX collects, processes and uses personal data in accordance with the principles set forth below. When you use the services or set up a customer account, you give your express consent as a user to the collection, processing and use of your personal data as described below.

  • If you contact PABEX, either using the forms or chat functions provided, PABEX will collect and save your name, address and e-mail address for the purposes of answering your inquiry. PABEX also processes the data which you voluntarily provided when sending your inquiry for the same purposes.

    If a customer orders services from PABEX, namely opens a customer account in order to make transactions on the platform, PABEX will collect and save the name, company name, address, telephone number and e-mail address as well as the names of persons with powers of representation, the name of the register, register number and VAT or business identification number of the customer, for the purposes of opening the customer account and enabling the customer to make transactions on the platform.

    Furthermore, PABEX will, for the same purpose, process the data which the customer voluntarily provided when opening the customer account and in order to make transactions on the platform.

  • This data will be stored in a central user account for the customer and may be inspected, changed and updated there at any time.

  • If a customer orders further services, for example additional services for which there is a charge or advertising services, the above statements also apply accordingly.

    If a customer uses the PABEX platform actively, i.e. makes a transaction, PABEX will save and process data provided in connection with inquiries, purchases and sales as well as all other information which is provided by the customer in connection with the transaction. This data will be stored in a central user account for the customer and may be inspected, changed and updated there at any time.

  • The same applies if a customer uses the watch or notification functions for particular products.

  • PABEX also transmits to the respective contractual partner on the platform all necessary personal customer data required in order to set up and process a contract concluded on the PABEX platform. This data related to inquiries and transactions will also be stored in the customer account. The same applies for messages exchanged between members which are also stored in the customer account.

  • Data concerning shipment or invoices and other data which the customer enters in connection with a transaction, as well as information required for tax or customs purposes (e.g. tax number or other identification numbers) as well as relevant shipment information (such as tracking number or other tracking information) are also stored in the respective customer account and forwarded to the contractual partners involved in the transaction.

    PABEX processes data on the use of the platform and goods and services offered as well as transactions concluded in order to prevent, recognise, stop and investigate and illegal activities. This happens for example if PABEX is informed about any cases of fraud or activities which may be forbidden or illegal. This also happens if PABEX is informed about such cases involving members participating in transactions and is requested to assist with investigations into such cases.

    If PABEX is requested by the competent authorities, PABEX will provide information to authorised third parties, courts and prosecuting bodies for the purposes of prosecuting crimes and violations of the law, especially intellectual property violations.


In addition to processing your data in order to handle your purchase with PABEX, we also use your data in order to communicate with you about your orders or specific products or marketing campaigns and to recommend products and services which may be of interest to you.

You may object to the use of your personal data for advertising purposes in general or for individual measures at any time. Notification in text form (e.g. e-mail, letter) to the contact address provided under "responsible office" is sufficient.


We will also collect your personal data if you register for our e-mail newsletter. This may either be our own PABEX newsletter or a newsletter offered on our platform by a member which we send on behalf of that member.

If you subscribe to a newsletter, you consent to the following:

You consent to us saving and using the e-mail address entered by you as well as any other data (e.g. name) for advertising purposes, namely in order to send our newsletter. In connection with subscriptions, we save your IP address and the date and time in order to record the registration/cancellation.

You also consent to us personalising our newsletter and evaluating your user behaviour. For this purpose we use technology which enables us to see if and when an e-mail was opened, which links in the e-mail were followed by the recipient and whether further inquiries or orders were triggered by the user via PABEX's purchase and inquiry system.
You may revoke your consent at any time with future effect if you unsubscribe to the newsletter by sending us a message via the link provided in the newsletter.


As a PABEX customer, you will regularly receive product recommendations from us by e-mail. You will receive these product recommendations regardless of whether you have subscribed to the newsletter. In this way we would like to inform you about products in our merchandise range which may be of interest to you on the basis of your recent purchases. We comply strictly with the statutory provisions.

As a PABEX customer you also have access to our search agents. The information you provide voluntarily in this connection will be used in order to inform you about new products on the PABEX marketplace.

If you do not want to receive any product recommendations from us or do not want any further advertising communication at all or do not want to use the search agent, you may revoke your consent at any time. Notification in text form (e.g. e-mail, letter) to the contact address provided under "responsible office" is sufficient.


In order to be able to offer you the possibility of paying by invoice, we conduct credit checks. When performing a credit check, we check all the data available to us and then decide whether we can offer you the possibility of paying by invoice. This may mean that we check previous transactions in your customer account.

Alongside the data in our possession, we also require data from external service providers. For this purpose we transmit the company and personal data required for a credit check, depending on the corporate form (name, address etc.), to the following credit bureau:


  • Creditreform Fritscher KG, Horexstrasse 3, D-61352 Bad Homburg

  • infoscore Consumer Data GmbH, Rheinstrasse 99, D-76532 Baden-Baden

  • Bürgel Wirtschaftsinformationen GmbH & Co. KG, Gasstrasse 18, D-22761 Hamburg

These credit bureaus use the afore-mentioned data provided by us in order to calculate a credit score for the respective order based on mathematical and statistical processes. The credit bureaus also use the afore-mentioned data for other companies (e.g. other online dealers) for the purposes of verifying addresses or checking identity and calculating credit scores on this basis. You address data is also incorporated into the probability value. In some circumstances, it is possible that hard negative factors may be concluded. The credit bureaus we use (names and addresses as above) will provide information about the data stored at any time.

If you do not agree to the method of payment offered to you, you may inform us in writing by letter or e-mail to We will then review the decision taking into account your viewpoint. You may also object to us transmitting your data to a credit bureau at any time (notification in text form, e.g. e-mail to


The acceptance of cookies is not a prerequisite for the use of our website. However, we do point out that you may only use the shopping basket and order products if you allow us to set cookies.


Cookies are small files which are filed on your data storage medium and save specific settings and data for exchange purposes with our system via your browser. There are fundamentally two different types of cookie, so-called session cookies which are deleted as soon as you close your browser and temporary/permanent cookies which are stored for a longer period or indefinitely on your data storage medium. Saving cookies help us to design our website and our offerings specifically for you and facilitates your use of the website, for example by saving certain entries so that you do not have to continually repeat them.


Most cookies used by us are deleted automatically from your hard disc at the end of the browser session (hence the name session cookies). Session cookies are needed, for example, in order to offer you the shopping basket function across several sites. In addition, we also use cookies that remain on your hard disc. On your next visit, we automatically recognize that you have already visited our site as well as your preferred the entries and settings. These temporary cookies and the permanent ones too (lifetime from 1 month to 10 years) are stored on your hard disc and are deleted automatically after the set time. These cookies serve in particular to make our offering more user-friendly, efficient and secure. These files enable us, for example, to show you information on the website that is specifically tailored to suit your interests. The exclusive purpose of these cookies is to optimise our offering to meet customer needs and to make surfing with us as convenient as possible.


No personal data is stored in the cookies used by PABEX. The cookies used by us cannot be attributed to any specific person and consequently not to you either. When the cookie is activated, an identification number is allocated to it. Your personal data cannot be attributed to this identification number at any time and it is not our policy to do so. We never use your name, IP address or similar data that would enable the cookie to be attributed to you. On the basis of cookie technology we merely obtain pseudonymised information, for example on the pages of our shop that were visited, the products that were viewed, etc.


You may change the settings in your browser so that cookies are only stored if you give your consent. If you only want to accept the PABEX cookies but not those of our service providers and partners, you can select the setting in your browser "Block third party cookies".

Usually, in the help button in the menu of your web browser you can see how to reject cookies and switch off cookies already received.

We recommend that if you use a shared computer that is set to accept cookies and flash cookies, you always log off completely when you have finished your session.


Whenever PABEX websites are accessed, usage data is transmitted via the Internet browser concerned and stored in protocol files, so-called server log files. The data records saved contain the following data: date and time of access, name of site accessed, IP address, referrer URL (origin URL from which you have accessed the website), the data volume transmitted, and information on the product and version of the browser used.

The IP addresses of the users are deleted or anonymised after the end of the session. When anonymised, the IP addresses are changed to such an extent that individual details concerning personal or material circumstances can no longer or only with a disproportionate amount of time, expense and labour be attributed to an identified or identifiable individual.

These log file data records are evaluated by us in anonymised form to enable us to further improve our offering and the PABEX shop, make them user-friendlier, and to detect and rectify errors faster and control server capacities. This means, for example, that we are able to see the times when the PABEX online shop is particularly popular and provide sufficient data volume so that you can shop as quickly as possible. Furthermore, by analysing the protocol files, we can identify and rectify any errors in the PABEX online shop faster.


Your personal data is transmitted securely by us via encryption. This applies both to your order and to your customer login. For this purpose we use the coding system SSL (Secure Socket Layer). Admittedly, no-one can guarantee absolute protection. However, we use technical and organisational measures to secure our website and other systems against loss, destruction, access, amendment or distribution of your data by unauthorised persons.


In accordance with the provisions set out under the Federal Data Protection Act, our customers are, among other things, entitled to obtain information on the data stored on them free of charge, as well as the right to have the data corrected, blocked or deleted.

We take the protection of your data very seriously. In order to ensure that personal data is not forwarded to third parties, kindly address your inquiry in this respect by e-mail or post together with your customer number and personal details to:

PABEX ǀ Die Papierbörse
Daniel Jelić
Hünerbergstr. 9
61476 Kronberg

As of: 31.10.2016
(c) 2016 PABEX